Author Archives: CitywideTowingAdmin

Why Call a Roadside or Towing Truck Service in Ferris, TX? Collision, Engine Overheating & More

Despite modernized vehicles being built to last, even with excellent maintenance, they can still experience failure in some capacity, resulting in the need for assistance. There are few things even the non-experienced can do, but there are situations when, no matter what your experience is, you should call for towing and roadside assistance. Today, we…

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Motorcycle Broke Down at Night in the Middle of Nowhere in DeSoto, TX? Visibility Gear & More

To anyone who breaks down on the side of the road, it can be a nightmare, especially for motorcycle riders. Suffering from a breakdown in the middle of a motorcycle journey is quite a daunting experience as motorcycles offer far less protection, particularly when compared to other vehicles. Being unprepared can make the situation even…

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Tips to Prevent Wear, Tear & Other Damage when Towing a Vehicle in Balch Springs, TX

Requiring a towing service to tow your vehicle, in most cases, indicates a frustrating and inconvenient day. Being involved in an accident or experiencing mechanical failure puts you behind in the day. A rather infuriating event that adds insult to injury is having your vehicle damaged in the towing process. Reputable towing companies, such as…

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